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Identify Mould in Harvested Cannabis

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Growers Corner

The harvest is done! Curing should be taking that dried cannabis and turning it into quality, full rounded cannabis that you can be proud of. The stress of perfecting your grow is largely done. However, before you get too excited and start smoking the new harvest, check your stock for the presence of mould. A single spore of mould in curing cannabis can quickly spread to the whole receptacle so never let your guard down. Cannabis that was not fully dried before being jarred for curing is at increased risk of developing mould. Cannabis with mould should be disposed of and should not be consumed in order to avoid detrimental health effects.

Have a read of the following article which discusses the do’s and don’ts of curing and storing cannabis to avoid development of mould.

Staying vigilant during all phases of cannabis production and cultivation allow for quality harvests of carefully curated weed. In a short period of time, your hard work will pay off and you’ll be left with a quality cannabis product that you can be proud of.

Happy Growing!